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August 20, 2020: Start of a New Academic Year

Dear Faculty,

As we embark on a new academic year, I want to welcome you back to campus and extend my wishes for a successful term. Thank you for all your work in helping us prepare for the reopening of the university during these unprecedented times. Over the spring and summer, you put in a tremendous amount of effort to adapt your pedagogy to the present circumstances. I greatly appreciate your flexibility and dedication to our students’ success. Because of you, we will continue to offer them a high-quality education.

There is no doubt there will be challenges, but this is one of the few times in living memory that everyone one of us—on every campus, in every city, and across the country in academe—have all faced similar changes and challenges together. Please be gracious with our students and your colleagues as they adapt. And be gracious with yourselves, as well, as you continue to adapt to our new environment.

I assure you that the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty, and staff are our highest priorities. Following the guidance of the CDC, GDPH, and USG, we have put in place numerous measures to keep everyone on campus safe.

Thank you again for all that you do as scholar-teachers to make Georgia Southern a world-class institution of higher education. I am proud to serve alongside you. Best wishes on a successful year. I look forward to seeing what you will accomplish.


Carl L. Reiber

Provost & Vice President Academic Affairs

Last updated: 8/18/2021