Allen E. Paulson

College of Engineering & Computing

Innovating Futures, Engineering Success

The Paulson College of Engineering & Computing is a catalyst of innovation and leadership. Our mission transcends traditional education, immersing students in a rich learning environment where they not only acquire knowledge but also apply it to solve real-world challenges in engineering and computing.



Elevate the college by enhancing student support, fostering departmental development, and sculpting future leaders in engineering and computing.

Strategic Funding Priorities

Investing in Excellence, Building Legacies

Paulson Department Naming Opportunities



Establish a lasting legacy and elevate academic quality.

Engineering and Computing Scholarships



Attract and support the brightest minds.

Engineering Leaders Scholarship and Academy



Develop leadership from freshman to senior year.

Paulson Ambassadors



Sponsor student ambassadors and provide unique branding.

Paulson Graduate Student Support



Fund two PhD fellowships in Engineering and Applied Computing.

Why Support Us

Engineer the Future with Us

Invest in Future Leaders

Support the development of future leaders, ensuring they are equipped with academic and practical experience.

Support Excellence

Help us attract and retain top-tier faculty and deliver high-quality education.

Build a Legacy

Create a lasting impact within the Paulson College.

Join Us in Engineering Tomorrow

For more information, contact:

Julie Gerbsch
Executive Director of Development
Phone: 912-478-7811