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Logan Somers – Assistant Professor

Armstrong Campus

Office: University Hall

Phone (912) 478-0492


Curriculum Vitae


Logan J. Somers is an Assistant Professor in the Criminal Justice and Criminology Department at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University in 2021. 

His research focuses largely on emerging issues within policing such as officer work experience, police use of force, officer mindset (i.e., perceptions of danger), and evidence-based policing. This work can be seen in the Criminal Justice and BehaviorPolice QuarterlyCriminal Justice and Policy Review, Policing and Society, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, and Behavioral Sciences and the Law among others.


Ph.D., Criminology and Criminal Justice (2021) Arizona State University

M.S., Criminology and Criminal Justice (2016) Arizona State University

B.S., Justice Studies (2014) Westminster College

Teaching Interests

Policing, CJ Systems and Policy, Research Methods

Published Research

Somers, Logan J., & Terrill, William. (Accepted). Assessing the relationship between officers’
broad cultural attitudes and their situational perceptions of firearm danger. Policing: An
International Journal.

Terrill, William, Zimmerman, Laura, & Somers, Logan J. (Online first). Applying video-based
systematic social observation to police use of force encounters: An assessment of de-
escalation and escalation within the context of proportionality and incrementalism. Justice
Quarterly, 1-32.

Somers, Logan J., & Foster, Jacob T. (Online first). Going above and beyond: Assessing the
characteristics of officers who complete additional in-service training. Police Practice and
Research: An International Journal, 1-15.

Somers, Logan J. (2023). Towards a better understanding of police experience: An assessment of
the unique shifts, crime areas, and duty assignments that officers have worked, The Police
Journal, 96(2), 212-229.

Terrill, William & Somers, Logan J. (2023). Viewing firearm danger through the lens of police
officers. Homicide Studies, 27(1), 55-76.

Somers, Logan J., & Terrill, William. (2022). Confidence in their craft: An assessment of the
relationship between officer work experiences and their perceptions of self-efficacy,
Criminal Justice & Behavior, 49(11), 1656-1675.

Somers, Logan J., & Terrill, William. (2022). Examining the relationship between the unique
work experiences and cultural orientations of police officers, Criminal Justice Studies, 35(2),

Paoline, Eugene A., William, Terrill, & Somers, Logan J. (2021). Police officer use of force
mindset and street-level behavior. Police Quarterly, 24(4), 547-577.

Last updated: 12/15/2023