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Healthy Body Image

A healthy body image looks different for everyone. For some, this may involve working to feel more comfortable in the body they have and taking care of it. For others, they may not feel comfortable in their own bodies or identify with their body. No matter what a healthy body image for you may be, it can also include basing your self-esteem on many aspects of who you are as a person, not just how much you weigh.

Body image includes what you believe about your own appearance, how you talk to others about your body, your sense of how other people view your body, and how you feel in your body (for example, your comfort with movement).

We strive to create a culture that promotes body neutrality, size diversity, body acceptance, and a healthier body image for all humans.

All Bodies (Adapted from the Peer Body Project)

Student Wellness & Health Promotion is excited to bring a newly revised All Bodies curriculum to Georgia Southern. This is a peer-led workshop that meets for two hours for two weeks to discuss our culture of unattainable beauty ideals, how those ideals affect us, and how we can promote more realistic and healthy perspectives. This research-based and evidence-driven program has been proven to improve body satisfaction, reduce the risk for eating disorders, and improve school and social functioning.

This program is open to all Georgia Southern students. The Peer Body Project confronts the unrealistic body ideal and engages participants in development of a healthy body image through verbal, written, and behavioral exercises. We ask that you attend all sessions and participate in some basic homework exercises. This will give YOU the best results.

All Bodies Fall 2024- Check Back for more details!

Disclaimer: Content of the program may be triggering. The Body Project is not treatment for persons struggling with eating disorders or disordered eating. Counseling and Psychological Services offers support to those who struggle with body image concerns, disordered eating, and/or eating disorders. Please visit the Counseling Center website to learn about available services and support.

Last updated: 5/6/2024