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Who has to sign the IRB application?

Effective May 15, 2023, the IRB will no longer require individual Co-I signatures on IRB applications for researchers using the current application form posted on the website (as of 5/10/23).  As a result, the following wording has been added to the PI certification statement “I further certify that all personnel listed on this application have reviewed and approved of their described engagement in this research.  I understand that I am responsible for the conduct of all researchers engaged in this project.”  Applications will still require the signature of the PI and their department chair (for faculty PI’s) or their faculty advisor (for student PI’s). Researchers are responsible for ensuring that all personnel listed on the IRB application have reviewed the application including all revisions made after submission for accuracy and agree to abide by the protocol conditions.

  • The PI must sign the application.  
  • Personnel listed in the personnel section but not listed as PI or as a Co-I do not need to sign the application.
  • If the PI is a student, their faculty advisor must sign the application.  If the faculty advisor is also research personnel (Co-I or other) they still must sign off at the bottom of the cover page.
  • If the PI is faculty or staff, their department chair must sign the application.  If the PI is the department chair, their dean or research associate dean must sign the application.

Last updated: 5/23/2023