Free Tutoring on the Statesboro Campus

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers free in-person and virtual tutoring to all GSU students for core Mathematics and Statistics courses through MASTER “Math and Statistics Enhancement Room”.
In-Person Tutoring
Located on the third floor of the Math/Physics Building in room 3000, students can drop in anytime during hours of operation without an appointment. Some semesters, we may offer tutoring at a secondary location. Check the MASTER flier for days, times and the location for other MASTER sites.
Virtual Tutoring
Virtual tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm by appointment.
Use your GSU credentials to fill out the Google form on the day you want to have a virtual tutoring session. DO NOT fill out the form days in advance. Please try to give an hour’s notice. The last request must be made by 6:45 pm.
Click here to see what people are saying about the MASTER Lab.
Math/Science Building room 3000
Kathleen Hutcheson
Laboratory Supervisor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Georgia Southern University
1332 Southern Drive
Statesboro, GA 30458