Report It!

Hand holding a cell phone that shows dialing the police.

Let’s work together to maintain a safe environment at Georgia Southern. If you see something that seems off or suspicious, say something by immediately reporting what you observed. If you are unsure, call University Police anyway. It is always better to over report than not say anything at all.

University Police can be reached on the Statesboro Campus at 912-478-5234; on the Armstrong Campus at 912-344-3333; and on the Liberty Campus at 912-877-1906.

To report concerns related to sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and non-consensual sexual contact, you can contact the Title IX Coordinator at 912-478-5136. Reports can also be submitted anonymously.

Some examples of suspicious behaviors include, but are not limited, to:

  • Forcibly entering a car, building, room or other restricted area
  • Loitering in an area without an apparent purpose or cause
  • Unattended bags or packages
  • Tampering with property
  • Fraud, waste, and abuse
  • Unwelcome comments, touching, or advances

Support & Resources

Dean of Students Office

Statesboro: 912-478-3326
Armstrong/Liberty: 912-344-2514

Notebook on a desk with the words code of conduct on the page.

Office of Student Conduct

Statesboro: 912-478-0059
Armstrong/Liberty: 912-344-3300
Student Conduct Report*
*Anonymous Reports Accepted

University Counseling Center

Statesboro: 912-478-5541
Armstrong/Liberty: 912-344-2529
Students can report confidentially to this office.

University Health Services

Statesboro: 912-478-5641
Armstrong/Liberty: 912-961-5726
Students can report confidentially to this office.

Download the LiveSafe App

  1. Download “LiveSafe” for free from Google Play or the App Store.
  2. Register with your mobile phone number and fill out your profile. Verify your account.
  3. Select “Georgia Southern University”

*A report may be filed anonymously, although anonymous reports may make it difficult to address the complaint.