Contact Info
New Student & Family Programs
- 912-478-7627
- P.O. Box 8096 Statesboro, GA 30460

Orientation Requirements
Dual Enrollment students are not required to attend an in-person SOAR session. However, they are required to complete the New Student Pre-Flight Modules (located in the New Student Resources tab of the MyGS portal) prior to the start of their first semester of Dual Enrollment classes. This can be completed at your own pace once you have been admitted. Further information will be provided by Dual Enrollment academic advisors in the Exploratory and Dual Enrollment Advisement Office.
Students who have previously enrolled in Dual Enrollment courses at Georgia Southern but are continuing at Georgia Southern after high school graduation are required to attend a virtual Freshman SOAR session before they begin classes in non-Dual Enrollment status.
Additional Information
For dual enrollment information, in addition to the orientation information listed below, please click the button below!
New Student Information: Dual Enrollment