Contact Info
New Student & Family Programs
- 912-478-7627
- P.O. Box 8096 Statesboro, GA 30460

Parent & Family “Pre-Flight” Modules
We are excited to share a new online platform that our Georgia Southern families and supporters can access to aid in their student’s transition to Georgia Southern. While your student has required Pre-Flight modules prior to attending SOAR, these are tailored to you as a supporter with your needs in mind. You have the ability to work through these modules at your own pace, pausing, and coming back to complete whenever works best for you.
Create Your Account/ Log Back InAttend SOAR Orientation
SOAR orientation for admits will be offered in two formats – in-person or online via Zoom. The student gets to decide what they would prefer!
Do I Need To Register?
If you plan to attend with your student, they will need to add you to their registration when they complete such. They do this through their MyGeorgiaSouthern portal under the New Student Resources tab.
Family Members and Supporters who attend SOAR will attend sessions both with and without their students. Sessions without your student will allow you to learn more about your role as a Georgia Southern Parent/Supporter.
2025 In-Person SOAR Supporter Schedule
How Many Guests Can Attend?
Students can register up to two guests to attend an in-person SOAR event, or one guest to attend a virtual event. NOTE: Registration for the guest is only necessary for virtual SOAR if they plan to join on a different device than their student and participate in the family break-out sessions.
How Much Is a Guest Registration?
In-Person Event
For students who register to attend an on-campus orientation session can bring up to two guests. The cost for each guest upon registration is $20.00 at the Armstrong and Statesboro campuses. Liberty campus guest rate is $10.00 per guest.
Online Event
For students who register to attend orientation online over Zoom can register up to one guest. The cost for the guest in this format is free! The guest will receive credentials to log in separately from their student as some sessions will be separate from the student.
When Is SOAR?
Utilize the below buttons to explore SOAR date information based on the semester your student will be joining us. Dates will be listed on those respective pages. Sessions open up on a rolling basis and are first-come, first-served. Note: Fall 2024 SOAR sessions will open in February 2025.
Join the Parent & Family Association
The Parent and Family Association is a great way for parents and supporters to connect to the Georgia Southern community, and with other family members and supporters of students. The association provides access to members to local discounts, membership exclusive scholarships for their students, and hosts university-sponsored events. Learn more below!
Parent and Family Association