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Apprenticeship Master of Accounting


Georgia Southern University is proud to introduce the Apprenticeship Master of Accounting (AMAcc) program, a pioneering initiative designed to grow the number of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) by offering a cost-effective experiential pathway to CPA certification. The AMAcc program is designed to address not only the rigor of the CPA Exam but also the time and cost barriers to becoming a CPA. Rooted in the wisdom of centuries-old apprenticeship models, the AMAcc program blends the tried-and-true method of “learning from the master” with modern educational techniques to meet the demanding expectations of today’s newly licensed CPAs.

CPA Career Opportunities. A career as a CPA offers numerous advantages that make it a compelling choice for those interested in finance and accounting. CPAs are highly regarded professionals with a robust skill set that is adaptable across various industries. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Financial Reward: CPAs have a higher earning potential compared to their non-certified counterparts.
  • Professional Security: The demand for expertise in financial reporting, taxation, and consulting ensures stable career prospects.
  • Versatility: The CPA credential opens doors to a range of career paths allowing you to choose the one that best aligns with your personal and professional goals.
  • Opportunities for Advancement: The CPA certification is often a prerequisite for senior management roles, including positions like Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Controller.

CPA Shortage Requires Fishing in a Different Pond. The demand for accountants is incredibly strong, thanks primarily to a tsunami of retiring CPA baby boomers. Did you know that approximately 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day and that nearly 75% of CPAs hit retirement age back in 2020? Their exodus from the profession is creating tremendous advancement opportunities! Imagine how quickly you’ll be able to climb the ladder of success. Unfortunately, there are not enough accounting majors to meet the current and future demand for CPAs. That is why we created the Apprenticeship MAcc program: to attract applicants who did not major in accounting in their undergraduate program.

How the AMAcc Program Works. Earning your graduate accounting degree and CPA license is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Complete the Program Prerequisites
    • Non-business undergraduate degree: Complete four upper-division accounting courses and four general business courses. These eight courses can be completed in as little as two semesters.
    • Business (non-accounting) undergraduate degree: Complete just the four upper-division accounting courses. These four courses can be completed in as little as one semester.
    • Accounting undergraduate degree: No prerequisites required.
  2. Obtain a Sponsor
    • Secure a full-time accounting position with a firm/company/organization that is willing to sponsor you in the program as a “CPA Apprentice.”  
    • Submit a completed “Sponsorship Agreement” form as part of the program application.
  3. Complete the Program
    • The AMAcc program is a comprehensive thirty-semester-hour curriculum that is delivered online over five semesters.
    • The program allows CPA Apprentices to meet the education, exam, and experience requirements for CPA licensure (referred to as the “Three E’s) during their time in the program.
    • The program is time-and-cost-effective in that employers permit CPA Apprentices with study time during business hours and the employer covers all or most of the costs of obtaining both the MAcc degree and CPA license.

Program Distinctives

The AMAcc program is not an internship. Our apprenticeship includes elements beyond typical internships. Firm sponsors designate “CPA Mentors” (modern term for “Master CPAs”) who are experts in relevant areas. These mentors collaborate with faculty to create customized activities that enhance the apprentice’s skills and CPA Exam performance. Examples include:

Mentor Meetings:  Advisory meetings each semester with CPA Mentors and instructors to discuss progress, exam content, and study strategies.

Formal Shadowing Opportunities:  Apprentices join firm leaders in client meetings, motivating them to pursue CPA qualification.

“Now I Get It” Projects:  Real-world assignments with CPA Mentors to enhance understanding and technical skills.

“What Would You Do?” Experiences:  Situational analysis requiring professional judgment, with apprentices preparing papers or presentations to enhance decision-making and ethical understanding.

Research Opportunities:  Apprentices research challenging CPA Exam topics or recent accounting standard changes and present findings, gaining leadership experience and confidence in explaining complex concepts.