Contact Info
- 912-478-5211
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8033
Statesboro, GA 30460-8033
Street Address:
1770 Southern Drive
Marvin Pittman Administration Building
Statesboro, GA 30458

Almost 30 faculty and staff members from across the university are tasked with developing a short-term and long-term plan, aligned with our strategic priorities, to ensure the future success of the Armstrong Campus in Savannah.
Their purpose:
- To reimagine all aspects of the Armstrong Campus to enhance future enrollment and campus success.
- To develop a data-informed approach to academic program development, methods of delivery, and innovation in instruction that will serve the potential enrollment markets and geographic area.
- To innovate in all aspects of campus life including recruitment, student services, student engagement programs, and all other services impacting student enrollment and success.
- To seek radical transparency, shared problem-solving, and relentless pursuit of input from all constituencies
Short-term/Longer Term Outcomes
By October 2022 to enable plan implementation/impact for Fall 2023
- Identify 4-6 market-aligned programs already in place at Armstrong or easily adapted to Armstrong to elevate and enhance for greater enrollment.
- While still committing to delivery of core curriculum, review how personnel and operations can be used most efficiently to support enrollment and especially the identified high-yield, market-aligned programs for Fall 2023. (This should include adaptive mode delivery and flexible course scheduling).
- Develop and set timeline for implementation of marketing and recruitment strategy for identified programs.
- Using student survey and market data, finalize a student engagement (club sports, org, etc.) and experience amenities (housing, food, recreation) strategies that will complement identified markets (using existing or redirected resources).
Utilize the remainder of the Fall 2022 semester to complete 3-5 year transformation plan
- Further identifying market-aligned academic programs via market assessment and economic development opportunities to region.
- Develop a multi-year plan for academic program expansion/enhancement and identify resource needs.
- Consider and adapt curriculum to market – mode of delivery, course scheduling flexibility to align with adult/working non-traditional populations, prior learning assessment reducing time to completion, military/veteran friendly/aligned programs and support.
Task Force Membership
- Scot Lingrell, Co-Chair
- Carl Reiber, Co-Chair
- Ron Stalnaker
- Stuart Tedders
- Annalee Ashley
- Amy Ballagh
- Ashley Walker
- Ava Edwards
- Britton McKay
- Brad Sturz
- Caleb Rogers
- John Lester
- Sharon Subreenduth
- Delana Schartner
- Dominique Quarles
- Jeff Blythe
- Laurely Caycho Mantilla
- Mark Whitesel
- Megan Feasel
- Shay Little
- Whitney Nash
- Scott Taylor
- William Dawers
- Kendria Lee
- Ken Gassiot
- Alexis Belvin, SGA President
Process and Structure
- President identified Task Force members and Chairs
- Initial meeting (Aug 1) to charge the committee
- Data Workshop (Aug 3) to begin data familiarization and analysis
- Met Aug 17 to begin work team efforts
- will seek additional membership from outside the ATF and will seek input from a broad set of constituents
- will meet independently of ATF and report back
- ATF will meet every other week throughout the fall—work teams more often
Work Teams
Six different teams have just formed to start the work. The teams and leads are:
- Academic Programs Development Team — Brad Sturz, Professor and Associate Director of Assessment Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Department of Psychology
- Marketing and Recruitment Team — Caleb Rogers, Associate Director of Admissions
- Student Engagement Team — Megan Feasel, Director, Armstrong Campus Recreation and Intramurals
- Enrollment Operations Team — Ashley Walker, Dean, Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies
- Data Analysis Team — Amy Ballagh, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management
- Culture Analysis and Implications Team — Sharon Subreenduth, Dean College of Education
Draft Identity Statement for The Armstrong Campus
Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus in Savannah is focused on providing a high-quality, real-world, hands-on education that is fully aligned to the growing market and career demands in the Chatham County metro community and Southeast Georgia. We are deeply connected to Savannah; offer convenient access and course scheduling for all types of students; actively cultivate a strong sense of community on campus; contribute greatly to the cultural environment of Savannah, align coursework with career needs in the region, and serve as a catalyst for talent and economic development.