Campus Life Enrichment Committee Funding


CLEC, funded by Student Activity Funds, funds intercultural programs that align with and support Pillar 3 of the Georgia Southern University Strategic Plan: Inclusive Excellence. The purpose of CLEC is to aid in the enhancement of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture within the Georgia Southern community. This includes campus-wide lectures that are both general and academic, as well as lectures geared towards individual departments, organizations, and colleges. Georgia Southern faculty, staff, and students are further encouraged to submit proposals requesting funding for guest speakers, exhibitions, performances, or other events which will be held on campus. The funds can also be used to implement initiatives that, while they may not be events, impact the students on all three GS campuses directly. Events can also be available for Statesboro and Savannah community member attendance.

Georgia Southern University and the Office of Inclusive Excellence defines Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Underrepresented Minority Groups, along with other key terms, in the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan.

Call for Proposals

Up to $2,000 may be requested per proposal. Proposals with 30% of needed funds supplied by sources other than CLEC will have priority for review. Georgia Southern faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to submit proposals requesting funding for guest speakers, exhibitions, performances, or other events or initiatives which will be held on campus during the academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a recurring basis. Finally, all applications with an approved proposal must use Eagle Engage to promote their initiative. Failure to do so will result in a retroactive proposal denial.

Proposals with the following criteria have a higher chance of funding:

  1. Clear, concise proposals with well-articulated goals and correct grammar and spelling have the best chance of being understood and valued by the review committee;
  2. Proposals with multiple sources of funding are given greater weight;
  3. Proposals with an itemized budget for CLEC requested funds as well as non-CLEC requested funds and a clear justification for the amounts being requested have the best chance of being understood and valued by the review committee; and
  4. Submitted at least two months prior to the month of your engagement.

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year will be released soon!

Fall Review Period Beginning DatesFall Review Period Award Notifications
Monday, August 26, 2024Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024Monday, October 14, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024Monday, December 9, 2024

To submit a proposal, use the link above to complete the application. If you have any questions, please send an email to the CLEC Graduate Assistant at

Standards and Expectations

Additionally, the Campus Life Enrichment Committee has implemented standards and expectations for proposals. The following items must be included:

1) Collaborative Partners: Proposers must list collaborative partners and describe the capacity in which they will contribute to the project.

*Priority will be given to proposals with 2 or more partners*

2) Student Organization: Faculty proposers must work with a student organization sponsor. Student organizations must collaborate closely with their faculty advisor and their respective college/department.

3) Student Involvement: Proposers must describe the capacity in which students will be involved in the program outside of attending (i.e. helping with advertising, planning or set up, etc.).

4) Learning Outcomes and Inclusive Excellence: Proposals need to reflect at least one learning outcome related to inclusive excellence (pillar 3 of the strategic plan). Be sure to describe the specific objective. See Strategic Plan Performance Excellence to download the strategic plan.

5) Originality: Priority will be given to original and innovative proposals.

If you have any questions, please send an email to the CLEC Graduate Assistant at

Committee Members

Faculty/StaffTerm Ends
Hapsatou Wane2025
Heather Huling2025
Kristie Waterfield2025
Kyra Larry2025
Ric Stewart2025
StudentsTerm Ends
Donnie Manuel2025