Starting at GS in a future term?
Click here for information about advisement and registration.

Step 1
Meet with your advisor to discuss classes and receive your RAN (Registration Access Number)

Step 2

Step 3
Plan your schedule using the MyGS course search located in the Services tile on MyGeorgiaSouthern. BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR CRNs! You may also search for courses from within the WINGS 9 Registration module itself!

Step 4
In MyGeorgiaSouthern, click the Student Information icon in the WINGS tile. On the Student Information Landing Page, click Student Profile.

Step 5
On your Student Profile, check your Registration status, registration information, and holds in the upper right corner.

Step 6
When ready to register, click Registration and Planning in the left column.

Step 7
On the Registration page, you may search for courses by subject and course number or by CRN (see the TABS at the top of the page).

Step 8
You may add courses to your schedule from either of these searches and then click Submit at the bottom to secure your registration choices.
Need Registration Help?
Advisement/Registration FAQs
- How can I find my advisement documents?
- How can I find my RAN?
- How can I schedule an appointment with my advisor?
- How can I clear a hold on my account?
- What does this registration error mean and how do I fix it?
- How do I view my course schedule in WINGS?
- How do I view my course schedule in MyGeorgiaSouthern?
Registration Resources
- WINGS Resources
- WINGS Tutorials
- Solutions to Common WINGS Issues
- Post-Baccalaureate or Transient Student Registration Information
I Need Someone to Help Me
Having trouble with holds, course search, registration, or wait-listing?
Contact Enrollment Services
Need help with getting advised, schedule concerns, or full classes? Contact your academic advisor
Further Resources
- Immunization Records
- Residency & Lawful Presence
- Financial Aid
- Military Benefits
- Paying Student Tuition & Fees
- Request Your Transcript
- Common Student Forms
- Online Learning Resources
Quick Contacts
Call for assistance:
- Undergraduate Admissions: 912-478-5391
- Academic Advising: 912-478-3939
- Enrollment Services (questions about payment, registration, financial aid, and more!): 912-478-3675
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Admissions: 912-478-5384
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Graduate Student Services: 912-478-2647
- Military and Veteran Services: 912-478-6872 (Statesboro), 912-344-3600 (Armstrong), 912-877-1906 (Liberty)
Or send an email:
- Undergraduate Admissions:
- Academic Advising:
- Bursar’s Office:
- ePrograms (eCORE, GOML, eMajors):
- Financial Aid:
- Graduation:
- Registration and Student Records:
- WINGS Assistance:
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Admissions:
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Graduate Student Services:
- Military & Veteran Services:
Call for assistance:
- Undergraduate Admissions: 912-478-5391
- Academic Advising: 912-478-3939
- Enrollment Services (questions about payment, registration, financial aid, and more!): 912-478-3675
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Admissions: 912-478-5384
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Graduate Student Services: 912-478-2647
- Military and Veteran Services: 912-478-6872 (Statesboro), 912-344-3600 (Armstrong), 912-877-1906 (Liberty)
Or send an email:
- Undergraduate Admissions:
- Academic Advising:
- Bursar’s Office:
- ePrograms (eCORE, GOML, eMajors):
- Financial Aid:
- Graduation:
- Registration and Student Records:
- WINGS Assistance:
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Admissions:
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies – Graduate Student Services:
- Military & Veteran Services: