Student Resources


The University offers a comprehensive program of financial aid which includes grants, scholarships, assistantships, and loans. There are numerous scholarships targeted at select groups of students (for example, there is one limited to students from Liberty County). Be sure to review them all–you might qualify! For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Fodor Scholarship Fund

Established in 1995, this scholarship memorializes the life and accomplishments of Gary Fodor. Born in 1955, Fodor was a Savannah native who attended Savannah High School. During his tenure as a professor at Armstrong, Fodor established the Armstrong Hispanic Society and aided in the planning of Savannah’s Quincentennial Celebration in 1992. He also established the Inter-Collegiate English and Foreign Language Oratorical Competition. This scholarship is available to an Armstrong student who is majoring or minoring in Spanish and needs tuition assistance or wishes to travel abroad. Preference will be given to those with unmet financial need.

Zoltan Farkas Studies Abroad Scholarship

Deadline: February 28

Dr. Zoltan Farkas (1918-2002), a native of Hungary who emigrated to the United States, was the first head of the Department of Foreign Languages, established in 1955. His son, Dr. Stephen Farkas, established a scholarship to honor the “father” of foreign languages at Georgia Southern.

If you wish to make a contribution to the Zoltan Farkas Student Abroad Scholarship, contact the University Foundation (478-5163). The appropriate account number is 3360.

Spanish Travel Scholarship

Deadline: February 28

If you wish to make a contribution to the Spanish Travel Scholarship, contact the University Foundation (478-5163). The appropriate account number is 3350.

Eagles Abroad Stipends

Click on the button below to read the information about the stipends.

Eagles Abroad Stipends

KF&B Law Academic Scholarship

Even though the KF&B Academic Scholarship is not a Georgia Southern Scholarship, it is a scholarship open to U. S. residents. The scholarship was created to assist students as they continue their educational journey. Click on the button below to learn more about the scholarship and to read the guidelines and application process.

KF&B Academic Scholarship

Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation Scholarship

The Foundation supports college women in learning about other cultures through the study of languages and study abroad. The Academic Scholarships are awarded to undergraduates who have attained the Girl Scout Silver or Gold Award, and who plan to/are currently majoring/minoring in a foreign language at a four-year college/university. The Travel Scholarship to Study Abroad also supports undergraduates that have attained Silver or Gold Award Girl Scouts who plan to study abroad, regardless of their major/minor.

Advisement Information

Placement guide

The following are suggestions to help students and advisors know which level of a FL course the student should register for initially (students should compare their abilities with the descriptions below and sign up for the course that most closely matches their proficiency). Students should send an email to to request an appointment for a placement interview and to obtain override authorization into the course. Note that, because courses are sequenced, it is a huge advantage to students to take a FL class their very first semester or as soon as possible.

FL 1001You have no previous language-learning experience all the way to the ability to say and write a few words/phrases.
FL 1002You can say and write simple sentences confidently in the present tense; can ask and answer simple questions; have an awareness of past-tense verbs.
FL 2001You can speak and write in the present tense with relative ease, have an awareness of past-tense narration and can utilize some past-tense verbs accurately; can ask and answer questions related to daily life; can manage a simple conversation, albeit with difficulty.
FL 2002You can speak in the present tense with ease and can successfully attempt some past-tense narration (tell a story in the past); can confidently ask and answer questions related to daily life; can conduct a simple conversation with relative ease.
FL 3000 levelYou can narrate completely (beginning, middle, end) an experience in the past, although perhaps with grammatical errors and lexical gaps.

Note: You may place out of 1001, 1002, 1060, 2001, 2002, and/or 2060 courses and still get credit for them. If you have taken an offered language previously, you should attempt to take the course that best fits your current abilities—you do not need to and should not start in 1001, if you don’t need to. If you take a higher course and receive a C or better (must be a Georgia Southern course; cannot be an eCore or transfer course from another institution or AP/IB/CLEP credit), you may petition to get credit for the lower course(s) through Credit by Proficiency. See information below.

Credit by Proficiency

Students often want to know how to get credit for a course without actually taking the course. In the Department of World Languages and Cultures, we allow undergraduate students to get credit for lower-division courses (1000s/2000s) upon passing a higher course with a C or better (must be a Georgia Southern course; cannot be an eCore or transfer course from another institution or AP/IB/CLEP credit). This is in accordance with the University’s Credit by Proficiency Examination policy. For example, if students pass FREN 2001, they can receive credit for FREN 1001 and 1002 (or 1060). The credit is “K” credit, the same as if the students had passed an AP/IB/CLEP exam.

If you are an undergraduate student, here’s the petition process you should follow:

Do not pay the test fee before receiving approval from the Office of the Registrar and the department chair.

  1. Take a foreign language course at your level of current proficiency at Georgia Southern.
    • If you have not taken a foreign language course yet, and you need to estimate your level of proficiency, use the above placement guide. If you believe your proficiency level is at 1002 or above, send an email to to request an appointment for a placement interview and to obtain override authorization into the course.
  2. Take the recommended course and pass it with a C or better.
  3. Click on Proficiency Examination Form, complete the information within the form, and click ‘Submit’. (You will need to submit one form for each course that you are requesting proficiency credit for.)
  4. The form will then go to the Office of the Registrar and the Department Chair of World Languages and Cultures for necessary approvals.
  5. If your proficiency request is approved by both offices, you will receive an email requesting that you pay a test fee of $15 for each course requested.
  6. Once the test fee is paid, please attach the receipt of payment to the form noted in the email. Do not pay the test fee before receiving approval from the Office of the Registrar and the department chair. The approval will be sent within this form.
  7. Once the examiner submits ‘Satisfactory’ examination results, credit should be posted to the student’s academic record by the Office of the Registrar within 5-7 business days.

Academic Advisors


Jakeyvia White

Phone: 912-344-2673
Office: Student Success Complex

Statesboro and Online Campus

Pamela Basulto
Phone: 912-478-0232
Office: 1049 Interdisciplinary Academic Building

Peer Tutoring

The World Languages and Cultures Department offers free peer tutoring virtually and in person. Students can make an appointment by emailing the address listed for each language or can drop by the Language Resource Center, Gamble Hall 120 at the Armstrong Campus or World Languages and Cultures Library (room 2034) in the Interdisciplinary Academic Building at the Statesboro campus.

Employment Opportunities for Graduating Students

Middle School Spanish Teacher 2024-2025

Savannah Christian Preparatory School, a prominent school in Savannah, Georgia with a rich history and known for its strong liberal arts curriculum, seeks faculty for the upcoming academic year. Working closely with other members of the department, teachers are responsible for classroom instruction, curriculum design, and the ability and desire to model courses around current trends in education while still providing a solid fundamental base.

Follow this link for a full description on the position and to apply for the job.

Upper School Spanish Teacher 2024-2025

Savannah Christian Preparatory School, a prominent school in Savannah, Georgia with a rich history and known for its strong liberal arts curriculum, seeks faculty for the upcoming academic year. Working closely with other members of the department, teachers are responsible for classroom instruction, curriculum design, and the ability and desire to model courses around current trends in education while still providing a solid fundamental base.

Follow this link for a full description on the position and to apply for the job.

BCS Teacher Aide Job Open to Spanish Speakers

Bethany is changing the world through family. We began our work by serving one child more than 75 years ago. Today, Bethany is an international Christian nonprofit partnering with communities in more than 30 states and in several countries around the world. We strengthen and preserve families, support displaced people fleeing danger, and find safe, loving families for children who need them. Bethany is at the forefront of creating and implementing solutions to meet the growing needs of vulnerable children and families in the U.S. and around the world. Follow this link to get more insight on the population that Bethany serves.

North American Language and Culture Assistants Program NALCAP

Follow this link to learn about the program.

Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program

Follow this link to learn about the program.

Student Organizations & Activities


  • Arabic Club
  • Arabic Conversation Hour
  • Arabic Movie Night
  • Arabic Music Night
  • Arabic Poetry Night
  • Henna Day
  • Cooking Workshops
  • Arabic Coffee Hour
  • Arabic Picnic
  • Arabic Culture Day


  • Chinese Club
  • Chinese Conversation Hour
  • Chinese Video Night
  • Chinese Taiji Hour
  • Chinese Chess Hour
  • Shuttle Cock Hour
  • Chinese festival parties
  • Chinese Calligraphy competitions
  • Chinese dumpling party
  • Chinese hotpot party
  • and many more…


French Club

The goal of the French club is to promote French culture. It organizes meetings and varieties of cultural events throughout the year. Look for posting on campus and contact the Department of Foreign Languages for more information.

La Table Française

Students studying French meet regularly every semester to practice French in a casual setting and have fun! Look for postings on campus and check with French faculty for more information.

French Honor Society Pi Delta Phi, Zeta Rho Chapter

Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society, was founded at the University of California, Berkeley in 1906. It is the oldest national academic honor society for a foreign language in the United States. The Zeta Rho Chapter at Georgia Southern University began in 1970.


Georgia Southern University offers a competitive nine-month teaching internship in a secondary school in Saumur, France (the Loire Valley).


  • Delta Phi Alpha
  • German Club



El club de español

The goal of Spanish club is to promote Hispanic culture. The Spanish club organizes meeting twice a month and a variety of cultural events throughout the year. Look for postings on campus and contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures for more information. – Facebook

La mesa de conversación

Students studying Spanish meet regularly every semester to practice Spanish in a casual setting and have fun! Look for postings on campus and check with Spanish faculty for more information.

Sigma Delta Pi (Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispanica)

The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society has over 500 chapters throughout the country. Further details are posted here.