Contact Info
Savannah Campus: 11935 Abercorn Street Sports Center Rm. 211 Savannah, GA 31419
- 912-478-5320
- P.O. Box 8000 Statesboro, GA 30460
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 / 10:00AM / Military Science Building
- Welcome
- National Anthem
- Invocation
- Guest Speaker – LTC(R) Bill Roberts
- Commissioning
- Army Song
- Conclusion

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) William G. Roberts is a native of Lenox, Georgia. He joined the Georgia National Guard after graduation from Cook County High School and graduated from Infantry One Station Unit Training in June 1981. He then enrolled in the Simultaneous Membership Program from which he was commissioned in June 1983. He served for two years as an infantry rifle platoon leader in the Georgia Army National Guard prior to graduating from Georgia Southwestern State University in 1985 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management. Upon graduation, he entered Active Duty as an Infantry officer.
LTC Roberts began his active military career as an infantry rifle platoon leader with the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry (Mechanized) at Fort Carson, Colorado. His following assignments included platoon leader, Company E, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry (Mechanized), Executive Officer, Company E, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry (Mechanized), and Assistant S3, Company E, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry (Mechanized). After assignment to Fort Benning, Georgia in 1988, he served as platoon trainer, 2nd Battalion, 11th Infantry, and Commander, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 54th Infantry. In 1992, orders came for Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he served as Budget Officer, 18th Airborne Corps, Deputy Comptroller, 82nd Airborne Division, Commander, Headquarters Company, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Brigade Logistics Officer, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, and Executive Officer 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry Parachute Regiment. In 1998, LTC Roberts moved to Belgium where he served as the executive officer to the Allied Command Europe Financial Controller, and Budget Officer, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). In 2001, he requested duty as the Professor of Military Science for Georgia Southern University and was assigned to the Eagle Battalion from 2001-2004. From 2005-2007, he started a new JROTC program at Metter High School and served as the Senior Army Instructor. LTC Roberts returned to Georgia Southern in 2008 and served as the Scholarship and Enrollment Officer of the Eagle Battalion for eight years. He was named the Top Scholarship and Enrollment Officer in the nation in 2009.
From February 2016 through August 2017, LTC Roberts assumed the role of Associate Dean of Military Affairs and the Director of the Military and Veteran Student Center at Georgia Southern University. In this capacity, he worked with all military, veterans, and family members attending the university.
From November 2019 through November 2020, LTC Roberts took a temporary assignment as the Scholarship and Enrollment Officer at Augusta University, filling in for a deployed soldier.
LTC Roberts’ military education includes the Infantry Officers Basic and Advanced Courses, Airborne and Ranger Schools, the Jumpmaster Course, the Professional Military Comptroller’s Course, and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. His civilian education also includes a Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University.
His awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal (with Oak Leaf cluster), Army Commendation Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf clusters), Army Achievement Medal (with 4 Oak Leaf clusters), Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Expert Infantryman’s Badge, the Senior Parachutist Badge, the British Parachutist Badge, and the Ranger Tab.
He is married to the former Denise Roney of Vienna, Georgia. They have three children, Kimberly, Daniel, and Kyle, and five grandchildren, Nolan, Cheyenne, Ari, Greta, and Ellison.
LTC Roberts now serves as a professional grandfather and as a partner with Roberts CSRA Investments, LLC.

2LT Boyd is from Atlanta, Georgia. She will graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. While in ROTC, 2LT Boyd was also a member of the Georgia Army National Guard. Additionally, she was active in Collegiate 100, Visage Modeling Organization, National Model African Union, and intramural flag football, volleyball, and archery. She was a recipient of the Outstanding Delegate in Committee Award. 2LT Boyd will commission Active Duty, Ordnance.

2LT Chadwick Burroughs is from Conyers, Georgia. He will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management. While in Georgia Southern, 2LT Burroughs was also a member of the Georgia Army National Guard. He was also active in Collegiate 100 and intramural softball. 2LT Burroughs will commission into the Georgia Army National Guard as a Transportation Officer.

2LT Rebecca Cerrone is from Richmond Hill, Georgia. She will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While in ROTC, 2LT Cerrone was an active member of the Cadet Association, serving as Secretary, Vice President, and President during her three years as an officer. She was also active in Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and intramural sports. She was the recipient of a 3-Year National ROTC Scholarship, HOPE scholarship, Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship, Bothwell “Snag” Johnson ROTC Scholarship, and the Charles and Mary Collins ROTC Scholarship. 2LT Cerrone will commission Active Duty, Nurse Corps.

2LT Jacob Hernandez is from Waynesboro, Georgia. He will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. While in ROTC, he was a member of the Georgia Army National Guard, a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, and a recipient of a GRFD ROTC Scholarship, HOPE Scholarship, and Aycock ROTC Scholarship. He will commission National Guard, Engineer.

2LT Jaden Pitts is from Evans, Georgia. He will graduate Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While in ROTC, 2LT Pitts served as the Treasurer for Cadet Association and the XO of the Eagle BN Color Guard. He was the recipient of a 3-Year National ROTC Scholarship, the Bothwell “Snag” Johnson ROTC Scholarship , and the HOPE Scholarship. 2LT Pitts will commission Active Duty, Nurse Corps.

2LT Allen Scarboro, III is from Jacksonville, Florida. He will graduate with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance. While in ROTC, 2LT Scarboro was a member of the Georgia Southern National Guard Detachment and was a recipient of a Minuteman ROTC Scholarship. 2LT Scarboro will commission National Guard, Engineer.

2LT Taylor is from Topeka, Kansas. He will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While in ROTC, 2LT Taylor was a recipient of a 3-Year ROTC Scholarship and the HOPE scholarship. He was also active in the running club. 2LT Taylor will commission Active Duty, Nurse Corps.
First to fight for the right,
And to build the Nation’s might,
And the Army goes rolling along.
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting till the battle’s done,
And the Army goes rolling along.
Then it’s Hi! Hi! Hey!
The Army’s on its way,
Count off the cadence loud and strong,
For where e’er we go,
You will always know
That the Army goes rolling along.