Contact Info
Savannah Campus: 11935 Abercorn Street Sports Center Rm. 211 Savannah, GA 31419
- 912-478-5320
- P.O. Box 8000 Statesboro, GA 30460
The Swim Test and Army Combat Water Survival Test (CWST) at Georgia Southern University test a Cadet’s stamina in the water while completing a series of events. Cadets must first swim laps for ten minutes without touching the sides or bottom of the pool. Cadets receive a five-minute break, and then must tread water for another five minutes without touching the bottom or sides of the pool. These two swim events are done with PT uniforms (shorts and t-shirt) on. Cadets then put on OCPs and tennis shoes to complete the following three events for the CWST.
15-Meter Swim
Cadets must be able to swim 15 meters without touching the sides or bottom of the pool while wearing a FLC and carrying a M-16.
Equipment Ditch

Cadets have on a FLC and hold a M-16. From the side of the pool, the Cadet must step backwards into the water. The Cadet must be completely submerged underwater as he/she drops the rifle and removes the FLC.
3-Meter Drop

Cadets must walk off a 3-meter high diving board while carrying a M-16. They must hold on to the M-16 at all times, and swim to the side of the pool.
25-Meter Equipment Swim

Cadets will conduct a 25-meter swim with their FLC, ACH and a ruck. Cadets will begin by waterproofing their rucks with the dry bags. If the rucks float, then they will be cleared to conduct the 25-meter swim.
5 Minute Water Tread
Cadets will tread water for 5 minutes while wearing their FLC and their ACH. Cadets must keep their heads above the water at all times.